
My Journey Towards Cloud

Hey, have you developed something? Have you ever thought about to deploy it in real time servers? Yes I know there is no place like But if you have some interests about real IT resources then you must learn this amazing technology Cloud Computing.

How did I know about Cloud Computing?

Until I came to know about this technology for me CLOUD is just something that related to rain. the word "cloud" is used as a metaphor for "the internet". so the phrase Cloud Computing is named as such because the information being accessed is found remotely in the cloud or a virtual space.

Few days ago I met with a problem. I need a Linux machine for one of my project . Now I have two options either I have to install Linux in my system along with windows by virtualization or I have to compromise with my windows. But second one is not a good option right. Now trust me if you go with the first option and even you have a good i5 processor with 8gb ram you would suffer from many problems and the whole process takes a big time.

Now If you use cloud for any Linux or windows server you can launch it within 5-10 minutes. Isn't it amazing?

he second reason that you should learn is that suppose you want to host your website or you need a public access to your application. For this you need a web server, you need a database, you need a domain and a public Ip. But if you go to buy this stuffs it costs a huge amount. So how can you host your application? the answer is via cloud. Cloud provides all this services for a very less price.

Why Cloud Computing?

Before going to any long definition I want to tell you some basic example of cloud. Suppose Flipkart has 1000 visitors on their website daily .Let they need 100 servers for balance the traffic .But during their big billion days the visitors increased to double but they have only 100 server so they have to manually install another 100 servers before big billion days .But the problem is after big billion days the servers are of no use. But the company has to pay for its maintenance .This is the biggest issue in IT industry before Cloud.

If you use cloud you can increase/decrease your numbers of servers anytime and even you can set a autoscaling group. It automatically increase/decrease the numbers of servers based on you traffic.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the on demand delivery of computer power, database, storage, applications and other IT resources through a cloud service platform via the internet with pay as you go pricing model.

Companies that provide Cloud services like AWS,AZURE,GOOGLE CLOUD,ALIBABA enable users to store files and applications on remote servers and then access all the data via internet.

I personally liked AWS(Amazon web services).No doubt all others are very good but AWS has the highest market share (31.7%) nowadays and that's why jeff Bezos is the richest person of the world.

Cloud Service Model:

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): IaaS is also known as Hardware as a Service (HaaS). It is a computing infrastructure managed over the internet. The main advantage of using IaaS is that it helps users to avoid the cost and complexity of purchasing and managing the physical servers.

Platform as a Service (PaaS): PaaS cloud computing platform is created for the programmer to develop, test, run, and manage the applications.

Software as a Service (SaaS): >SaaS is also known as "on-demand software". It is a software in which the applications are hosted by a cloud service provider. Users can access these applications with the help of internet connection and web browser.

Now from my point of view this technology has a huge demand in IT industry because in the upcoming days, all companies move their infrastructure towards Cloud. Edge Computing is the future of cloud computing. You take any technology nowadays all are using cloud. You can build IOT devices in cloud, every OTT platform are using cloud. I keep this blog very short & simple. If you are learning some technologies like DevOps you can actually do some real time practical using cloud and if you need any help from my side the feel free to contact with my mail id (