
A Boring Dystopia

Lately, a whole bunch of tech giants including the likes of Twitter, Facebook and Google have come under some serious fire from different governments all over the globe with allegations ranging from the usual accusations of privacy breaches to nefarious ploys of interfering in elections.

In the last decade, these companies have grown exponentially to hitherto unimaginable magnitudes, and grow they still do, at ever faster rates, all while gobbling up any and all meaningful competition.

Of course, it’s an open mystery as to how these tech monoliths seemingly get to simultaneously be the arbiters of their own brands of free speech while also enjoying the benefits that come from special laws designed to make them impervious to lawsuits and all scrutiny that comes from widespread abuse of anyone and everyone that dares to speak against the current hot topic, for constitutional rights be damned, we are supreme.

A recent Twitter hack exposed glaring security flaws in twitter’s internal system. While the perpetrators remain at large as of date, the echoes of the potential hazards posed by rogue entities within and without looms over the world.

A recent Twitter hack exposed glaring security flaws in twitter’s internal system. While the perpetrators remain at large as of date, the echoes of the potential hazards posed by rogue entities within and without looms over the world.

The hack, for what is known, while absolutely massive, was awfully simple for it’s scale. The world is lucky that the hackers just made off with barely half a million in crypto - and quite possibly billions from the personal chats of some of the world’s richest and most powerful men and women, but hey, if the media wants you to believe otherwise, who are you, a lowly peasant to say otherwise. An alternate reality that could’ve quite possibly sprung out of this hack would’ve been, say, a total stock market crash, or better yet, nuclear Armageddon.

Imagine waking up to see the total world credit system or stock market in disarray because random hackers broke in and sold all sorts of unsavory private messages, or maybe that actually did happen, and said hackers are tightly holding onto stockpiles of all sorts of secret messages as leverage for the highest bidder, which may as well be a three letter agency in the US waging war on another three letter agency; a little sibling rivalry, if you will.

Alternatively, imagine waking up only to discover your ethereal remains floating above a world engulfed in hell fire all because some hackers thought it’d be funny to mock a certain unstable Korean Dictator from a certain equally unstable US President’s Twitter - crap. This one actually happened. Without hackers. Well, at least it’s grade A entertainment.

Elsewhere, in one of the unknown alleys of China, kids put together boots and suits for the millionaires and billionaires, who in turn preach to you, the lowly peasant that thou shalt buy their brand of over-the-top, awfully up-marked cosmetics and lifestyle goods or else you’re just not woke enough and probably want to kill... hold on, furiously shuffles deck, <insert perceived minority>!.

Of course, somewhere their masters in turn reenact Nazi Germany for the free slave labor laughs, but no one cares. For the spice money must flow.

Dare you not question your media masters, for they are your benevolent guardians. Fret not, for all you need to do to achieve salvation is to consume. Consume and forget and believe, don’t question, leave that to the experts, they know better anyways.

Was the world, so wide, always this wild? Difficult to answer, for one genuinely would find it hard to argue for, as it would be an awfully malevolent take and too cynical to claim that the developments that have allowed for millions and billions of people all over the globe to escape from the jaws of desolate poverty, gain access to quality education and then some. Yet on the contrary, in pursuit of pure materialistic development, the world has lost track of the fundamental values that made us humans, we have seemingly lost all empathy, and live apathetic lives where the void can only be filled through more and more consumption, which, in turn, is also unquestionable. Our base needs and desires have all but been played up and down through algorithms and such to ensure that when you kneel over, some faceless monolith of a corporation can (and will) tally up exactly what you were worth, and the cycle will repeat, ad infinitum.

We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have and let the things that we own end up owning us. Such is the microcosm of our very own dystopia lite.

Sources / References [If Any] : Internet